Wir sind ein international tätiges Unternehmen und Marktführer in der Herstellung hochwertiger Motorenkomponenten für die Automobilindustrie mit kanadischer Muttergesellschaft.
Als DigITalbank setzen wir voll auf Technik - und erst recht, wenn es um regulatorische Anforderungen und IT-Prozesse in unserem Legal-Bereich geht. Deshalb konzipierst, realisierst und implementierst Du durchdachte Microsoft 365-Lösungen, Prozesse und Systeme, die in unserer Rechtsabteilung alle Räder ineinandergreifen lassen. Auch bestehende Anwendungen und Systeme betreust Du sorgfältig, sicherst Governance, pflegst Datenbanken oder managst Fehler und gehst als Asset Owner in die Verantwortung. Klar, dass Du dabei immer ein Auge auf fachliche Anforderungen und Regularien hast, Schnittstellen im Griff behältst und Dein Wissen in verständlichen Richtlinien und Dokumentationen weitergibst. Ungeklärte Fragen? Nicht mit Dir: Als Ansprechperson für »Deine« Anwendungen und Profi in Sachen MS 365 löst Du jedes Fragezeichen und klärst Missverständnisse auf, noch bevor sie entstehen können.
We are pioneers of renewable energy by conviction. ABO Energy develops and builds wind and solar farms as well as battery and hydrogen projects worldwide. For almost 30 years, ABO Energy´s in-house specialist departments have been providing all steps of project development and implementation: from site assessment, planning, engineering, permitting and financing to construction, energy sales, grid connection, operational management and maintenance. A future worth living for future generations is our overarching goal. Renewables are our DNA. In our dynamic, diverse, and highly motivated team, we work on the next step of the energy transition and do our part to make the hydrogen economy a reality. In our international markets we develop hydrogen projects from pilots to multi-gigawatt export scale. Therefore, we are creating business models and structures for our markets and coordinate with the local teams for the development of new hydrogen projects. We need you and your good ideas, open spirit, and dedication for this exciting new business opportunity.
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Solutions from the Heraeus Group provide faster internet, rid water of germs, and keep hearts beating in time. As a family-owned global technology group headquartered in Hanau, Germany, we combine materials expertise and technological leadership to create the most diverse products, all with one thing in common: World-class quality. Working with customers around the world, we shape the future and provide vital innovations in the areas of Metals & Recycling, Healthcare, Semiconductor & Electronics and Industrials. Heraeus is one of the top 10 family-owned companies in Germany and has a team of around 16,400 employees in 40 countries. About our Corporate Consulting Team As Corporate Consulting and Digitalization team at Heraeus, we know the challenges today's global manufacturing and service companies face. We work on key topics that are highly relevant for the performance of the Heraeus Group and thus create real added value side by side with our colleagues in the Operating Companies. We have deep expertise in Supply Chain Excellence (e.g., Operations, Lean Six Sigma) and Commercial Excellence (e.g., Marketing and Sales). We drive digital innovation in our Operating Companies in many different areas, such as Digital Customer Experience (e.g., eCommerce, Web, CRM, Customer Analytics), IoT (e.g., Machine Connectivity, Robotics, Automation, Metrology) and Data Science (e.g., AI, Data Engineering, Optimization). In our Consulting team, we are always in close contact with each other. Openness and trust create room for personal and professional development. GROW with us and let's get EXCELLENT together. More information about our Corporate Consulting team can be found at www.heraeus-consulting.com/careers .
Als einer der größten Banken-IT-Dienstleister und Digitalisierungspartner Europas sind wir der Treiber der Digitalisierung innerhalb der Sparkassen-Finanzgruppe. Mit über 4.000 Mitarbeitern an 3 Standorten machen wir digitales Banking von heute leistungsfähig und entwickeln smarte Finanz-Services von morgen. Dabei bieten wir Dir ein breites Aufgabenspektrum, in dem Du Deine individuelle Stärke hervorragend einbringen kannst. Ob App-Entwicklung, Netzwerktechnologien und Serverbetrieb oder Beratung, Schulung und Support - bei uns findest Du Deine Berufung! Als Spezialist:in oder auch als Generalist:in. Alles mit besten Karrierechancen, viel Raum für persönliche Entfaltung und zahlreichen Benefits. Hinweis: Die Abteilung ist überwiegend in Münster angesiedelt. Der Geschäftsbereich Karten & Payment steht für innovative Lösungen in den Bereichen Payment und Endkundenkommunikation. Unsere Abteilung Prozesse Anwendungsservices entwickelt moderne Schnittstellen und Services vorrangig für Paymentverfahren im E-Commerce, am Point of Sale und Peer-to-Peer, wie z.B. wero und Apple Pay. Du bist kreativ und neugierig? Du möchtest Verantwortung übernehmen und gemeinsam mit uns die Zukunft des Bezahlens gestalten? Dann bist du bei uns genau richtig!
Du entwickelst gemeinsam mit einem agilen, crossfunktionalen Team (Squad) nicht nur unsere bestehenden Anwendungen für Konsumentenkredite weiter, sondern bist auch von Anfang an mit dabei, wenn wir neue Wege in der Entwicklung gehen. Wenn es um komplexe Entwicklungsaufgaben geht, bist Du in Deinem Element. Du designst, codest und refactorst, was das Zeug hält, und auch wenn es um die Definition und Implementierung von System-Schnittstellen geht, weißt Du genau, was zu tun ist. Unsere IT-Landschaft führst Du zu neuen Höhen, indem Du bestehende Systeme analysierst, Migrationsszenarien austüftelst und sicherstellst, dass währenddessen alles reibungslos parallel läuft. Unser, und damit auch Dein, Ziel: Kompletterneuerung unserer Systemlandschaft in einer Hybrid-Cloud-Infrastruktur. Auch unsere zentralen Datenbankstrukturen entwickelst Du mit Oracle SQL und PL/SQL entscheidend weiter - selbstverständlich immer im Tandem mit Deinem Team. Code par excellence: Du bist immer darauf bedacht, dass Software höchsten Ansprüchen und IT-Compliance gerecht wird. Dafür wirst Du nicht nur mit automatisierten JUnit-Tests sowie deren Monitoring via Teamscale und Fortify aktiv, sondern unterstützt Deine Kolleg*innen tatkräftig direkt, etwa mit Code Reviews und Coaching. Und auch abseits des Codes sind Du und Dein Team stetig auf der Suche nach Verbesserungen, für die Kundenzufriedenheit genauso wie im interdisziplinären Austausch mit Product Ownern, Customer Journey Experts und Feature Engineers.
Im Tribe »Easy Financing« ist der Name Programm, denn hier sorgen wir für einen einfachen und intuitiven Zugang zu unseren Finanzierungsmöglichkeiten. Dein Job dabei: die (Weiter- & Neu-) Entwicklung und Gestaltung smarter und maßgeschneiderter Anwendungen perspektivisch mit dem Schwerpunkt auf Microservices. Gemeinsam mit Deinem agilen Team übernimmst Du Verantwortung im gesamten Softwareentwicklungs-Prozess: von der Analyse und Fachkonzeption über das Design verteilter und moderner IT-Architekturen im Java-Umfeld bis hin zu Implementierung, Test, Dokumentation und Umsetzung regulatorischer Anforderungen. Wir setzen auf Deine Unterstützung bei der Erneuerung unserer IT Landschaft und der Einführung von Private-Cloud Infrastrukturen. Du analysierst unsere bestehende, komplexe Systemlandschaft, entwickelst Migrationsszenarien und stellst einen reibungslosen Parallelbetrieb auf dem Weg zur Zielarchitektur sicher. Auch die zentralen Datenbankstrukturen sind bei Dir und Deinem Team in den besten Händen und ihr entwickelt sie in Oracle SQL und PL/SQL kontinuierlich weiter. Du achtest auf die Einhaltung und Steigerung der Softwarequalität, übernimmst Code Reviews, erstellst und überwachst automatisierte Tests (mit JUnit bzw. Teamsacale und Fortify), unterstützt uns bei der Sicherstellung und Dokumentation der IT-Compliance und gibst Dein Wissen an Deine Kolleg*innen weiter. In der interdisziplinären Zusammenarbeit mit Product Ownern, Customer Journey Experts und Feature Engineers bringst Du Dein Kommunikationsgeschick zielführend ein und analysierst gemeinsam mit dem Team stetig Potentiale zur Steigerung der Kundenzufriedenheit.
Gemeinsam mit Deinem Team konzipierst, designst und implementierst Du die Software-Komponenten für unsere Retail-Produkte. Unsere Anforderungen sind komplex, unsere Systemlandschaft heterogen und genau wie wir bleibst Du dicht dran an Kundenwünschen und technologischem Wandel. Konkret heißt das für Dich: passgenaue Anwendungen entwickeln, bereits bestehende optimieren, Systeme, Applikationen und Schnittstellen immer weiter verbessern - und dabei das eine Auge auf die Qualität und das andere auf die Effizienz richten. Dabei bist Du von Konzeption über Livestellung bis Dokumentation in der Verantwortung und end-to-end in den gesamten Prozess eingebunden. Du nimmst unsere Prozesse und IT-Lösungen genau unter die Lupe, tauschst Dich dazu intern wie extern aus, identifizierst Verbesserungspotenziale und lieferst wichtigen Input zur Steigerung der Softwarequalität. Damit Teamarbeit und Kommunikation auch interdisziplinär rundlaufen, sind bei Dir und uns Prinzipien wie Clean Code, TDD, Pair Programming, Code Reviews und Refactoring fest etabliert.
3C - Career Consulting Company is a lot more than just a brand - it's a promise. Our commitment is the placement of specialists and high-class executives in internationally operating companies. We are the executive search firm that perfectly meets your premium requirements. Our consultants enjoy an excellent reputation across all our focus industrial sectors and therefore will guarantee a successful collaboration. Our client supports life sciences research every day, advancing science for a brighter future. With their offices across Europe, they provide researchers in life sciences and biotechnology with comprehensive solutions to accelerate their projects. They enable access to cutting-edge biological solutions from reputable suppliers and enhance research through the expertise in mRNA production, cell line engineering, protein production, and biomarker analysis. The e-procurement solutions streamline the ordering process, leveraging the extensive experience in handling biological solutions to save time and reduce administrative complexity. We are looking for the
"Knowledge becomes health" - we are filling this motto with life every day, developing new ideas and improv-ing old-established knowledge. The University Hospital Frankfurt has existed since 1914. Our around 8,500 employees contribute with their skills and knowledge to the 33 specialist clinics, theoretical clinical institutes, and administrative departments. The close connection of health care with research and teaching, as well as a climate of collegiality, internationality, and cross-professional cooperation characterize the university hospital. We are seeking a highly motivated PhD student to join our teams at the Oellerich lab at the Department of Medicine 2 , Universitätsmedizin Frankfurt and the Knapp lab at Goethe University , starting from the earliest possible date. The Department of Medicine 2, Hematology and Oncology at the Goethe University Hospital Frankfurt offers the entire spectrum of cancer diagnostics and therapy as well as a research program focusing on several cancer entities. The laboratory of Prof. Stefan Knapp is part of the Institute of Pharma-ceutical Chemistry of the Department of Biochemistry, Chemistry and Pharmacy of the Goethe University Frankfurt am Main as well as the site head of the Structural Genomics consortium (SGC) in Frankfurt. The group is particularly interested in understanding structural mechanisms that regulate cellular signaling and in the development and rational design of selective inhibitors, so-called chemical probes, especially in the field of epigenetics, phosphoryla-tion-dependent signaling pathways, and the development of PROTAC. The two research laboratories are part of the Frankfurt Cancer Institute ( https://fci.health ), focusing on oncogenic signaling and therapy resistance mechanisms in lymphoma and acute myeloid leukemia ( http://lymphoma-leukemia-research-frankfurt.de/ ) and development of new therapeutic ap-proaches to advance them to the development of new drugs. ( https://fci.health/en/research/research-areas/p4-drug-development/ ), respec-tively. The labs are also funded by the German Cancer Consortium (DKTK), which was founded in 2012 as one of the six German Centers of Excellence for Health Research (DZG) to promote the clinical translation of medical inno-vations. The DKTK brings together more than 20 academic research institutions and university hospitals at seven partner sites cooperate with each other and the German Cancer Research Center (DKFZ) in Heidelberg as the core center ( https://www.dkfz.de/de/dktk/ ). Translational projects are part of the German Cancer Aid (Krebshilfe) Network TACTIC that is coordinated by the Knapp Group allowing access to assay platforms for the development of pre-clinical small molecules.
At Tecan we are driven to improve people's lives and health. We do this by empowering our customers to scale healthcare innovation globally from life science to the clinic. We collaborate with our customers from early-stage innovation through project implementation and beyond. We deliver the products, services and solutions that make lab processes and medical procedures precise, reproducible and compliant. Our values - trust, highest standards and ambition - are the cornerstones of our business and provide the framework for Tecan's culture. We foster a positive and empowering environment where our rarest assets, our unique employees, can grow and bring their passion and talent to work.
"Knowledge becomes health" - we are filling this motto with life every day, developing new ideas and improv-ing old-established knowledge. The University Hospital Frankfurt has existed since 1914. Our around 8,500 employees contribute with their skills and knowledge to the 33 specialist clinics, theoretical clinical institutes, and administrative departments. The close connection of health care with research and teaching, as well as a climate of collegiality, internationality, and cross-professional cooperation characterize the university hospital.
"Knowledge becomes health" - we are filling this motto with life every day, developing new ideas and improv-ing old-established knowledge. The University Hospital Frankfurt has existed since 1914. Our around 8,500 employees contribute with their skills and knowledge to the 33 specialist clinics, theoretical clinical institutes, and administrative departments. The close connection of health care with research and teaching, as well as a climate of collegiality, internationality, and cross-professional cooperation characterize the university hospital.
We are pioneers of renewable energy by conviction. ABO Energy develops and builds wind and solar farms as well as battery and hydrogen projects worldwide. For almost 30 years, ABO Energy's in-house specialist departments have been providing all steps of project development and implementation: from site assessment, planning, engineering, permitting and financing to construction, energy sales, grid connection, operational management and maintenance. A future worth living for future generations is our overarching goal. Renewables are our DNA. We are a dynamic and successful group within ABO Energy, which is committed to the optimal integration of renewable energies through storage systems. In our international markets we develop battery storage and hybrid energy projects from pilots to megawatt scale. We are looking for a Team Manager to shape our long-term strategy in current international markets of interest for our Abo Energy division as well as building go-to-market strategies for emerging battery storage and hybrid energy markets. This role leads an international team and acts in coordination with internal stakeholders orchestrating the development and execution process and supporting local Project Developers and Project Managers during development and execution phases of Battery Storage and Hybrid projects. Together with your team you will play a pivotal role in our mission to accelerate sustainable energy solutions for a future worth living for future generations.
Energizing a new world with Exide Technologies Exide Technologies ( www.exidegroup.com ) is an internationally leading provider of innovative and sustainable battery storage solutions for automotive and industrial applications. With more than 135 years of experience, Exide has developed and globally marketed innovative batteries and systems, contributing to the energy transition and driving a cleaner future. Exide Technologies' culture and strategy are centred on recycling, sustainability, and environmental responsibility. The company has 11 manufacturing and 3 recycling facilities across Europe, ensuring resilience and a low CO2 footprint with a local supply chain. With a team of 5,000 employees, we provide EUR1.6bn energy storage solutions and services to customers worldwide, every year. Exide Technologies' Energy Solutions division is developing and manufacturing stationary energy storage batteries, from backup power to large-scale storage systems (BESS and C&I). Exide´s technology portfolio spans from multiple lead-acid over to lithium-ion technologies supporting the global energy transition and digitalization. Our storage systems are used in UPS, Telecom, Datacenters, Public Transport, in Front-of- and Behind-the-Meter applications and many more. For our fast growing division Energy Solutions at the earliest possible date we are looking for a: Working with us means being engaged and agile. Our culture of continuous learning and commitment to sustainability and diversity create an environment where you can grow your skills and your career.
"Knowledge becomes health" - we are filling this motto with life every day, developing new ideas and improv-ing old-established knowledge. The University Hospital Frankfurt has existed since 1914. Our around 8,500 employees contribute with their skills and knowledge to the 33 specialist clinics, theoretical clinical institutes, and administrative departments. The close connection of health care with research and teaching, as well as a climate of collegiality, internationality, and cross-professional cooperation characterize the university hospital. Within the framework of this DFG grant the detailed mechanisms underlying aggressive and impulsive behavior will be investigated in close collaboration with many research groups within the consortium (for details see www.trr379.de . Together, these studies may help to develop novel therapeutic approaches, specifically the use of the microbiome and novel genetic factors, which are sorely required due to the rising incidences of aggression in modern societies. To achieve this, the candidate will learn and perform a wide variety of techniques - ranging from behavioral, molecular, histological to microbiota-related analyses using state-of-the-art animal models.
"Knowledge becomes health" - we are filling this motto with life every day, developing new ideas and improv-ing old-established knowledge. The University Hospital Frankfurt has existed since 1914. Our around 8,500 employees contribute with their skills and knowledge to the 33 specialist clinics, theoretical clinical institutes, and administrative departments. The close connection of health care with research and teaching, as well as a climate of collegiality, internationality, and cross-professional cooperation characterize the university hospital. The Edinger Institute is a German research institution and neuropathological diagnostic section at the University Hospital Frankfurt am Main. We are part of an excellent scientific community in Frankfurt including the Mildred Scheel Career Center (MSNZ), the Univeristy Cancer Center (UCT Frankfurt-Marburg), the German Consortium for Translational Cancer Research (DKTK) and the Frankfurt Cancer Institute (FCI). The Biobank and Immunomonitoring-Platform of the FCI is located at the Edinger Institute and offer optimal conditions for tissue-based research. The AG Molecular and Computational Neuropathology uses machine and deep learning as well as genome-wide molecular analysis methods in tumor specimens and liquid biopsies to develop new diagnostic tools and to establish novel prognostic and predictive biomarkers for neurooncological patients. We are recruting a PhD student for a DFG-funded research project focused on the automated detection and classification of tumor cells in cerebrospinal fluid samples by deep learning models. The aim is to develop a fully digital workflow and clinical-grade deep learning tool to tranform the current practice in neuropathological institutes of manual cell differentiation and counting of cerebrospinal fluid samples using a microscope. The thesis will build on a previously published algorithm (PMID: 36519297; https://github.com/pseegerer/csf_cell_classification ) and use a new, multicentric, well-annotated cancer cell dataset to improve automated cell segmentation, cancer cell detection and tumor origin prediction.