Vielfalt gestalten. Wissen nutzen. Verantwortung tragen. Sicherheit geben. LEAVE YOUR MARK! Auch nach über 190 Jahren entwickeln wir unsere Inspektions-, Klassifikations- und Zertifizierungslösungen permanent weiter. Mit großem Erfolg: Heute vertrauen mehr als 400.000 Unternehmen weltweit darauf, dass wir ihre Welt sicherer machen. Tag für Tag, mit mehr als 85.000 starken Persönlichkeiten in über 140 Ländern.
Als DigITalbank setzen wir voll auf Technik - und erst recht, wenn es um regulatorische Anforderungen und IT-Prozesse in unserem Legal-Bereich geht. Deshalb konzipierst, realisierst und implementierst Du durchdachte Microsoft 365-Lösungen, Prozesse und Systeme, die in unserer Rechtsabteilung alle Räder ineinandergreifen lassen. Auch bestehende Anwendungen und Systeme betreust Du sorgfältig, sicherst Governance, pflegst Datenbanken oder managst Fehler und gehst als Asset Owner in die Verantwortung. Klar, dass Du dabei immer ein Auge auf fachliche Anforderungen und Regularien hast, Schnittstellen im Griff behältst und Dein Wissen in verständlichen Richtlinien und Dokumentationen weitergibst. Ungeklärte Fragen? Nicht mit Dir: Als Ansprechperson für »Deine« Anwendungen und Profi in Sachen MS 365 löst Du jedes Fragezeichen und klärst Missverständnisse auf, noch bevor sie entstehen können.
We are pioneers of renewable energy by conviction. ABO Energy develops and builds wind and solar farms as well as battery and hydrogen projects worldwide. For almost 30 years, ABO Energy´s in-house specialist departments have been providing all steps of project development and implementation: from site assessment, planning, engineering, permitting and financing to construction, energy sales, grid connection, operational management and maintenance. A future worth living for future generations is our overarching goal. Renewables are our DNA. In our dynamic, diverse, and highly motivated team, we work on the next step of the energy transition and do our part to make the hydrogen economy a reality. In our international markets we develop hydrogen projects from pilots to multi-gigawatt export scale. Therefore, we are creating business models and structures for our markets and coordinate with the local teams for the development of new hydrogen projects. We need you and your good ideas, open spirit, and dedication for this exciting new business opportunity.
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Als einer der größten Banken-IT-Dienstleister und Digitalisierungspartner Europas sind wir der Treiber der Digitalisierung innerhalb der Sparkassen-Finanzgruppe. Mit über 4.000 Mitarbeitern an 3 Standorten machen wir digitales Banking von heute leistungsfähig und entwickeln smarte Finanz-Services von morgen. Dabei bieten wir Dir ein breites Aufgabenspektrum, in dem Du Deine individuelle Stärke hervorragend einbringen kannst. Ob App-Entwicklung, Netzwerktechnologien und Serverbetrieb oder Beratung, Schulung und Support - bei uns findest Du Deine Berufung! Als Spezialist:in oder auch als Generalist:in. Alles mit besten Karrierechancen, viel Raum für persönliche Entfaltung und zahlreichen Benefits. Hinweis: Die Abteilung ist überwiegend in Münster angesiedelt. Der Geschäftsbereich Karten & Payment steht für innovative Lösungen in den Bereichen Payment und Endkundenkommunikation. Unsere Abteilung Prozesse Anwendungsservices entwickelt moderne Schnittstellen und Services vorrangig für Paymentverfahren im E-Commerce, am Point of Sale und Peer-to-Peer, wie z.B. wero und Apple Pay. Du bist kreativ und neugierig? Du möchtest Verantwortung übernehmen und gemeinsam mit uns die Zukunft des Bezahlens gestalten? Dann bist du bei uns genau richtig!
Martec Group ( is an international market research and consulting firm with offices in Detroit, Chicago, Shanghai, Beijing and Frankfurt. With 37+ years in operation the company group has carried out 7,000+ projects worldwide and employs over 90 staff with one shared passion: Extraordinary Business Intelligence. We conduct market and competitive studies as well as acquisition projects for renown clients in the automotive, chemical, oil & gas, industrial & medical technology sectors. To support our team at the Frankfurt offices, we are currently looking for a dedicated full-time employee with immediate effect.
The Department of Hematology and Oncology at the University Hospital Frankfurt provides a comprehensive range of diagnostic and therapeutic services for patients with solid tumors and malignancies of the hematopoietic system. Within this scientific environment, the research group led by Prof. Dr. med. Thomas Oellerich focuses on uncovering oncogenic signaling pathways, regulators of tumor viability, and mechanisms of resistance to therapies, with a primary emphasis on acute myeloid leukemia (AML) and aggressive lymphomas. The Oellerich Lab leverages cutting-edge proteogenomics and functional genomics to explore the molecular underpinnings of hematological cancers. The laboratory is part of the Frankfurt Cancer Institute (FCI) and the German Consortium for Translational Cancer Research (DKTK), supported by the research infrastructure of the University Hospital Frankfurt and the Georg-Speyer-Haus. Strategic collaborations with international institutions, including the NIH and the Dana-Farber Cancer Center, further enhance the lab's global impact. Single-cell CRISPR/Cas9 screening technologies
"Knowledge becomes health" - we are filling this motto with life every day, developing new ideas and improv-ing old-established knowledge. The University Hospital Frankfurt has existed since 1914. Our around 8,500 employees contribute with their skills and knowledge to the 33 specialist clinics, theoretical clinical institutes, and administrative departments. The close connection of health care with research and teaching, as well as a climate of collegiality, internationality, and cross-professional cooperation characterize the university hospital.
PIMCO Prime Real Estate A leading global real estate investor and manager, PIMCO Prime Real Estate is a PIMCO company and part of the PIMCO real estate platform, focusing on the Core and Core+ segments of the market and managing the Allianz Group's $93B+ real estate mandate. Formerly known as Allianz Real Estate, we manage a global investment portfolio of $97.5B AUM, with an international team of over 490 employees working in 17 offices in Belgium, China, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, Singapore, Spain, Sweden, the UK and the U.S. PIMCO's real estate platform is one of the largest and most diversified in the world, with over $190B in assets and a broad set of solutions that leverage decades of expertise across public and private equity and debt markets. Allianz Group is one of the most trusted insurance and asset management companies in the world. Caring for our employees, their ambitions, dreams and challenges, is what makes us a unique employer. Together we can build an environment where everyone feels empowered and has the confidence to explore, to grow and to shape a better future for our customers and the world around us. Note: Diversity of minds is an integral part of Allianz' company culture. One means to achieve diverse teams is a regular rotation of Allianz Executive employees across functions, Allianz entities and geographies. Therefore, the company encourages its employees to have motivation in gaining varied skills from different positions and to collect experiences from across Allianz Group.
Solutions from the Heraeus Group provide faster internet, rid water of germs, and keep hearts beating in time. As a family-owned global technology group headquartered in Hanau, Germany, we combine materials expertise and technological leadership to create the most diverse products, all with one thing in common: World-class quality. Working with customers around the world, we shape the future and provide vital innovations in the areas of Metals & Recycling, Healthcare, Semiconductor & Electronics and Industrials. Heraeus is one of the top 10 family-owned companies in Germany and has a team of around 16,400 employees in 40 countries. Heraeus Business Solutions brings together various corporate functions that act as competence centers for the entire Group. The experts based there develop customized solutions for our operating businesses, establish best practices and provide advice in the areas of human resources, legal, marketing and communications, sustainability, occupational health and safety, environmental protection, purchasing, finance and accounting, mergers & acquisitions, and taxes. To ensure the satisfaction of our internal customers, proximity to the business and ongoing dialog are particularly important to us. We promote a culture of learning and facilitate further development to develop the full potential of our specialists.