7 Stellenangebote für Developer (m/w/d) in der Region Rhein-Main

PhD Student - Computational Biology
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Frankfurt am Main
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"Knowledge becomes health" - we are filling this motto with life every day, developing new ideas and improv-ing old-established knowledge. The University Hospital Frankfurt has existed since 1914. Our around 8,500 employees contribute with their skills and knowledge to the 33 specialist clinics, theoretical clinical institutes, and administrative departments. The close connection of health care with research and teaching, as well as a climate of collegiality, internationality, and cross-professional cooperation characterize the university hospital. The Buettner lab ( https://mlo-lab.github.io ) works on the intersection of machine learning and oncology and as such is actively pursuing original research in both areas. The Imkeller lab ( https://agimkeller.github.io ) applies mathematical and computational methods to understand the inter- and intra-individual heterogeneity of tumor-immune interactions in humans. Both labs feature regular publications in high-impact journals. Together, we will develop statistically sound algorithms and user-friendly tools to integrate complex molecular data for comprehensively characterizing tumor microenvironments via single-cell transcriptomics, spatially-resolved proteomics and transcriptomics. The PhD position is embedded within the LOEWE program «CARISMa» (Optimierung von CAR-Zelltherapien durch Beeinflussung des ImmunSuppressiven Tumor-Mikromilieus), which aims to optimize cellular therapies by modulating the immunosupressive microenvironment of solid tumors.

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